Home > Patient ResourcesConditions of the vulvaVulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (VVS)


Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (VVS)


Are there any other conditions associated with vestibulodynia (VVS)?

Most experts believe that generalized vulvodynia and vestibular did you are part of a complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), similar to fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis (a condition of the bladder which causes urinary frequency and burning).  In fact, many women with vestibulodynia (VVS) also have fibromyalgia or interstitial cystitis. Women with vestibulodynia (VVS) (and women with fibromyalgia or interstitial cystitis) have sensitization of their central nervous system where they experience pain in response to stimuli that others perceive only as light touch.